Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Taj Mahal

The sky was still dark at 5am when we awoke in our little room at the Hotel Kamal. As I splashed water over my face in the bathroom, I heard a morning call sung by a lone man, in what I could only guess was meant for those of the Muslim faith. His call out into the silence reminded me of a call I heard at dawn in Kumbum, Eastern Tibet, two years earlier.

We walked out into the dark, down a narrow alley, being pointed by local men in Her direction. After some minutes, I saw the silhouette of Her large dome faint against a dark sky. I drifted towards it in a marvel.

I entered into the courtyard of Her gates. And within minutes, beheld the dawning sun touching a thing of beauty. An Exquisite Monument. Stately Tomb. Eternal Testament to Love.